PVP in The Elder Scrolls Online
At the last stage of the ZBT, we were not allowed to study PVP in The Elder Scrolls Online, but now Zenimax let out curious players from the chain and gave them (and us) to be torn to pieces by a large -scale war of the three Alliances. In the future, in this war, someone will be able to defeat and become an emperor, but for now everyone is fighting for interest and abstract bonuses for the alliance. And in the process it turned out that PVP in TES Online is very nothing.
Tamriel: Total War
This is not to say that the metropolitan province is so great, but certainly more PVP zone from Guild Wars 2 , which is a tutor of the action is very reminiscent of. Syrodel can run from end to end somewhere in an hour of real time, unless, of course, you meet anyone along the way. And the chances of the meeting are great, since the province is inhabited. In the north-west there is a stronghold of the Daggerfall agreement, in the northeast-the army of Pact Ebengard, and the altmer dominion is menacingly clutching from the south.
In the middle of the province, an imperial city rises with its tower of white gold, but so far it is impossible to get there so far. But the surroundings are covered with settlements and forts. Fortresses are the basis of a aggressive war, three warring unions are constantly selecting and praise them from each other.
? As you can see, the affairs of the two unions do not matter: the altmer dominion drove them into the corner.
Actually, this is the main occupation in the dangerous lands of the Syrodil. Suppose that you have already received the necessary tenth level and joined one of the military fractions (their exact functionality has not yet been disclosed). Now you can go to the Citadel, serving the headquarters of your alliance in the imperial province. The rest of the fortresses will have to be captured by force.
The assault requires a lot of strength. Two large groups of twenty -four people are needed (the maximum size of the “gang”, but guilds that do not have restrictions can fight at least the whole composition). No notifications, warnings, notarial assurances – we just write in the iz “aid on Farragut!"And we are waiting for everyone to come to terms with your leadership and follow the massacre.
? For participation in hostilities, the invisible command gives state junk. Usually not very interesting. ? Spending precious time and strength of demand on the defenders of the fortress is not worth it, it is better to fire a wall or gate.
It is not always reasonable to rush to the embrasures immediately, for starters, it is worth assigning nearby household objects. There are always three of them: farms, mine and sawmill. They are guarded by several levels of the level of the 50th level, and the invader receives resources (food, metal and wood) for capture. Just fly the Aki Mongols on the area of ??the flag, wound the guard on blades and raise our banner.
There is also a flag inside each citadel, the capture of which means the capture of the fortress, but get to it – then another adventure. The fortress consists of external walls and the act. To break through inside, siege tools are needed, and they can be inexpensively buy in a starting location. There are four varieties of assault machines: it is required for a long -range artillery, a catapult for medium distances, a ballista, to shoot a manpower that had arrogance to get closer, and a ram that breaks the gate, and everything. But this is "and all" – the key to victory.
? Thanks to a special “combat cry” bonus, the level of health of beginners rises to a size safe in battle with enemies of the 50th level. So as not to die from one blow. ? Duel often end in the fact that friends come to the aid of one of the fighters – and the duel turns into beating.
So, the external perimeter can be circumvented in different ways: to knock out the gate or split the wall with cobblestones from throwing guns. This process is long, and the defenders will also not sit back: they themselves will deploy siege cars and try to dismantle the attacking army into soup sets.
This is important: The death on the battlefield does not give the right to resurrect yourself with the help of a stone of souls, but your comrades can now do it. The larger the fallen warrior, the more powerful the pebbles are needed. So, before the operation, it is important to stock up on this good if you do not expect to become an egoist who is constantly pulled out of the world without the hope of response assistance.
And then the stronghold swayed, and the wall collapsed. The battle goes into the courtyard: the players covered by the Battle of the Battle, players break on the fortress walls and finish the defenders there, the rest surround the fort and put a ram in front of the gate. He works on the principle of trolleys from Team Fortress 2 : the more people crowd around, the stronger the gun crumbles the last obstacle before the victory. This is a very sensitive moment, because many attackers are going in a very close nook in front of the gate – the surviving guards of the fortress will surely shy there a couple of platform spells.
? doctors, as a rule, work not with point procedures, but mass, but weaker healing. Several such doctors successfully save a crowd of any density from the grave.
After the gates fell, the defenders have almost no chance left. Their main advantage is the ability to pump the enemy in a narrow door passage and the presence of numerous bots. But it is difficult to use them, and soon the assault detachment gets to the enemy flag and changes it to his. Victory!
THIS IS INTERESTING: No magical repair of walls with invisible migrant workers after a fierce assault does not happen. Therefore, joyful conquerors must buy several ligaments of building materials from the merchant and restore defense on their own. If this is not done, the leaky walls and the broken gate will be a guarantee of a quick response with the subsequent beating of frivolous triumphs.
The captured fortress is a useful knot in global defense. Together, the citizens form a network by which you must move with the help of portals. If the fortress is in the siege, you can’t teleport there – if you please land in the nearest fort and knead road mud for a long time. Spaces in the syrodile are extensive, the roads are long – to play uncomfortable without a horse. And there is so much combat horse that before the level of the twentieth is not worth it about the purchase, even if you do not eat and do not pay the rent.
? upon arrival in Sirodil, friendly commanders will meet you who do not give out any orders. For what? Just follow the chat and rush to the call for help.
Forge at home
Finally cleared up the role of crafts and enchanting. The main postulate of the entire system is a manually constrained object is almost always better than a quest or purchased. And although the skills of a blacksmith, a carpenter and tailor are available to everyone, advanced equipment requires the improvement of abilities. To create, for example, chain mail is necessary several ingots of iron – the level of future armor depends on their number. In addition, the stylistic component is required (for example, obsidian for Dunmer things), the appearance of the equipment https://sister-site.org/fruity-chance-casino/ depends on it. For the production of the best things, other materials are needed – steel, origbe, ebonite and others, and you will not approach to work with them without the desired level of skill.
? The resurrection of a comrade takes time – in the battle "Good Samaritan" instantly becomes the goal of the number one.
The enchanting does not work like in other games of the TES series. For a spell, a seal is required, which is created from three runes. The first is responsible for the level, the second – for quality (that is, the color), the third – for the magical effect. If the seal is applied to weapons, the enchanting is consumed by charges and requires “refueling” using stones of souls. Which, mind you, do not lie at every step, as in the "offline" parts of the series, but are sold with merchants. Anyone can shove a soul into an empty stone: we mutter a spell, kill the enemy – and now his spirit is ready for practical application.
This is important: The inventory is arranged to horror uncomfortable. There is no classification by type of craft, no storage bags. Both ore and flowers are pouring into the section "Materials", where they give rise to a mess. But is it necessary to say that even one flower occupies a full -fledged line in the inventory?
The craft abilities grow very slowly, so the average player who aimed at passing quests, advanced by a blacksmith. Obviously, forge and other masters are the very road in the guild, where they will be without a hammer on the anvil, walk around the surroundings in search of raw materials and sell a ready -made product to comrades. Of course, this will almost stop the growth of masters in levels, so it is worth hitting in the craft after the fiftieth level.
* * *
After we tested PVP, The Elder Scrolls Online is much lighter, albeit a little foggy. Reproaches to the plot and research parts of the game are still in force, but the war of the alliances is implemented enough to attract the attention of many.
Success factors
Risk factors
- large -scale and publicly accessible PVP;
- Transparent and complex system for creating objects.
- There is no balance between the alliances: one of them can crush neighbors and turn the battles into beating babies;
- Running Simulator 2014 – So they called the game for an excess of foot joggers.
Stage of development
The system of combat confrontations is already in the ranks and works as it should, but many are waiting for their turn for hours – it is necessary to debug the server
We will wait?
Now – we will definitely. It remains only to find out if the players are ready to pay five hundred rubles a month for the contradictory online version of the great role -playing game.